[Asec] Fordham Orthodox Christian Center Fellowship Receipt Deadline-- Jan 18

Eugene Clay Eugene.Clay at asu.edu
Wed Dec 5 16:29:02 UTC 2018

Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, each year the Orthodox Christian Studies Center invites applications for one Faculty Fellowship and one Dissertation Completion Fellowship in Orthodox Christian Studies. The Center welcomes fellows from all humanities disciplines whose projects focus on some aspect of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity and contribute to fostering Orthodox Christian studies as a discipline in its own right.

Additionally, the Center invites applications for a new Research Fellowship in Coptic Orthodox Studies open to current faculty, independent scholars, and advanced PhD canditates completing their dissertations. The Center welcomes applications from all humanities and social sciences disciplines whose projects focus on some aspect of the history, thought, or culture of Coptic Orthodox Christianity, whether in Egypt or abroad.


J. Eugene Clay, PhD, Head of Religious Studies, Arizona State University, PO BOX 874302, Tempe, AZ, 85287-4302 (Tel: 480-965-1982) COOR 4570
<https://webapp4.asu.edu/directory/person/185>Spectarem desertum, omni amoenius civitate!

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