[Asec] New Martyrs panel at EASR conference in Tartu (deadline in 3 days!)

Eugene Clay Eugene.Clay at asu.edu
Wed Dec 12 14:35:09 UTC 2018

Deadline for proposals in 3 days!

17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions”
June 25 to June 29, 2019


New Martyrs in the former communist countries: political violence and religious commemoration

Chair: Irina Paert, School of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia; irina at paert.com<mailto:irina at paert.com>

Violence against believers and clergy, especially in countries led by radical left regimes, dramatically increased in the 20th century resulting in the phenomenon of ‘new martyrdom’. The massive canonisation by the Russian Orthodox Church of those who perished under the Soviet regime has drawn the attention of scholars who focus on ‘new martyrs’ through the prism of commemoration, the politics of memory and ‘theology after the Gulag’) (Christensen, Bogumil, Dorman, Kahla, Rousselet, Kormina, Tolstaya). However, while much attention has been focused on Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church, little is known of similar phenomena in the states that emerged after the collapse of the Russian Empire, where the Orthodox church was a minority religion that included representatives of the titular nation, Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Ukrainians in Poland, who tried to forge local churches that would be independent of Russia. This session calls for proposals that will bring a comparative perspective into the study of 'new martyrdom' especially from perspective of the Eastern and Central Europe, including Balkans. The panel also welcomes an interdisciplinary approach: history, religious studies, theology, anthropology and memory studies. The problem of 'new martyrdom' raises the questions about

- religious interpretation of violent death and its impact on the community and individuals

- the role of various media, including the digital media in commemoration of the new martyrs

- construction and commemoration of new martyrdom through the religious institutions and secular discourse

- the political use of new martyrdom

- the continuity and change in the representation of martyrdom

- the vernacular practices commemorating new martyrs

To submit an abstract, please create a user account and log in to the EASR 2019 ConfTool <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.conftool.com_easr2019_&d=DwMGaQ&c=l45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ&r=DJn8FtYRgnLtKuNIDr6w03g3CNcNQf7rc7sWucVstbI&m=XrKuLKHJvtvo1oODx4_UFSGjbZJD_ZyNWRo0-jLy2Dc&s=7T9zDgGpVjzGYCr3RQ4aZoZtUTTYAeyoatbZflXhWWs&e=> portal.

The abstract submission deadline  is December 15, 2018.

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