[Asec] Medieval World: Culture & Conflict

Alice Isabella Sullivan aisulli at umich.edu
Sat Jul 30 14:46:29 UTC 2022

Dear Colleagues (with apologies for cross-postings),

Please find below and attached details about a new magazine titled *Medieval
World: Culture & Conflict. *The current issue focuses on Kyivan Rus!

Thank you,


*Medieval World: Culture & Conflict *


A new magazine about the Middle Ages – *Medieval World: Culture & Conflict*
<https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/pages/medieval-world> – launched in
May 2022. Published by Karwansaray Publishers, this project features the
rich history and material culture of the Middle Ages, broadly conceived
geographically and temporally. The magazine is published every two months
in full color, both in print and online. It is distributed worldwide.

The articles are written by leading scholars and early career researchers
in various fields of study. Each issue centers on a theme that provides
detailed coverage of a particular topic from historical, art historical,
archaeological, and literary standpoints, among others, as well as special
articles on issues of daily life, legends, key figures, events, and
monuments from the Middle Ages.

In addition to the excellent written content, the articles are illustrated
with images of sites and objects from collections around the world, as well
as original maps, drawings, and paintings. Accessibly written and
splendidly illustrated, this publication highlights the value of textual
and visual records in reconstructing the multifaceted historical and
cultural dimensions of the Middle Ages.

In response to current events, the second issue of the magazine focuses on
the history, art, and culture of Kyivan Rus. It includes a historical
overview of the region, and covers important figures and buildings, like
Yaroslav the Wise and his famed cathedral of St. Sophia, the Kyivan Caves
Monastery, the coins and writing of early Rus, military saints, and the
interactions with the Mongols.

The theme-related articles are:

   - Christian Raffensperger, “The Medieval Kingdom of Kyivan Rus:
   Expansive and Well-Connected,” 14-22.
   - Mike Markowitz, “The Coinage of Kyivan Rus: Byzantine Models and Local
   Adaptations,” 23.
   - Adrian Jusupović, “Bookmen, Scribes, and Literates: Writing in Rus
   between 1000-1400,” 24-27.
   - Donald Ostrowski, “The Mongol Campaigns in Rus in 1252: Searching for
   the *Kniaginia*,” 28-35.
   - Özlem Eren, “A Cathedral and Its Patron: Yaroslav the Wise and Saint
   Sophia in Kyiv,” 36-39.
   - Charles J. Halperin, “Kyivan Rus and the Mongols: Hostility and
   Accommodation,” 40-43.
   - Monica White, “Protective Warriors: Military Saints from Byzantium to
   Rus,” 44-47.

You can find more details about this new publication here
<https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/pages/medieval-world>. If you would
like to contribute an article or a news piece, or suggest themes for future
issues, please be in touch. Each author who contributes receives an
honorarium for their time, effort, and expertise.

Alice Isabella Sullivan, PhD

Editor, *Medieval World: Culture & Conflict*

editor at medievalworldmagazine.com
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