[Asec] Webinar on Husserl's Ideas 1

Olga Louchakova-Schwartz olouchakova at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 01:02:30 UTC 2022

SoPheRe Webinars
Readings and Schedule for Fall 2022


>From Peter Costello:

In his *Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological
Philosophy *Husserl gives a powerful introduction to phenomenology as a
method of description of lived experience.  The subject of much discussion,
the first volume of this project attempts to lay out many of the important
topics that Husserl later pursues individually.  Eidetic intuition (the
direct perception of essences), the natural attitude and phenomenological
reduction, the structure of perceptual consciousness (noesis and noema),
and the transcendental or pure character of consciousness that reveals
itself within the reduction–these are each the subject of important initial
discussions in this systematic work.

I propose that we read together one large section in each meeting.  We will
stick very closely to the text and we will hold off from bringing in other
Husserlian works or the work of commentators until after we have gone
together through each section as if for the first time.  We will move
slowly, sometimes poring over one paragraph, and yet still try to balance
our time so that we can make it through one chunk in a two- to three-hour

Each session, I will pose some questions or speak for a brief period (15
minutes or so) on the topics of the day.  But these are actions of mine
that are designed to get those present to discuss in a democratic way the
issues as they arise in the text.  The point of the webinar is for each of
us to wrestle with this text as if a new topology.  We want to walk through
the book together, without trying to outdo one another as scholars or as
participants.  This requires practice and patience from all of us.  Mutual
participation in a venture such as this is somewhat difficult but very
pleasant when we can find new meanings to works that we thought we knew.
So questions are welcome as are insights that take what Husserl writes and
apply it to our direct lived experience of everyday situations, things,
other persons, etc.

Because the focus will be on the text itself and on building a community of
readers, we will not necessarily be talking a great deal about religious
experience per se.  However, the discussion of this book is methodically
important to building up a phenomenological possibility of describing
religious experience.  How one understands perception as such,
consciousness as such, etc. will have a lot to say about how one
understands the experience of the sacred or the divine.

Dates:  Friday September 23 at 12 noon EST, Friday October 14 at 12 noon
EST, Friday November 18 at 12 noon EST, Friday December 16 at 12 noon EST

Email contact: dr.petercostello at gmail.com
Active membership in the Society for the Phenomenology of Religious
Experience is required – for applying please follow

Olga Louchakova-Schwartz, MD, PhD,
Professor, UC Davis School of Medicine
Professor, Hult International Business School
Adjunct Lecturer, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley
President, Society for the Phenomenology of Religious Experience
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