[Asec] CfP: Reimagining the Diocese: Sacred, Administrative and Communal Space in Imperial Russia

Eugene Clay Eugene.Clay at asu.edu
Thu Nov 8 19:17:17 UTC 2018

Reimagining the Diocese: Sacred, Administrative and Communal Space in Imperial Russia


Guest editors: Irina Paert and James White

Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes invites contributors to a special issue dedicated to reimagining the diocese in imperial Russia. For the purposes of this issue, we define the diocese as a contingent and fluid space that provided a flexible and penetrable framework for a wide assortment of interactions between local and central agents and that was imagined, both spatially and temporally, in administrative, communal, sacred, imperial, and ecclesiological terms. We invite articles on a range of topics, including: theoretical discussions on the nature of ecclesiastical space in the Russian Empire; the motivations, processes, and consequences of administrative transformations of ecclesiastical space; the mechanics of imagining the diocese (local press organs, maps, shared institutions, canon law and historical discourse, etc.); the imagining of the diocese as a sacred, communal, ecclesiological, and imperial space/temporality; the role of individual diocesan agents (bishops, brotherhoods, parish councils, clergymen, monasteries, missions, etc.) in imagining and constructing administrative, communal, sacred, and imperial space; the role and semiotics of 'sacred geography' in the imagination of diocesan space; the diocese as a space of interaction between local actors and central actors (horizontal interactions and vertical interactions); the 'Orthodoxisation' of dioceses in non-Orthodox/non-Russian borderlands; the role of dioceses as imperial spaces; the temporal imagining of diocesan space and 'trans-diocesan' perspectives (the movement of ideas, people, and objects between dioceses).
Expected publication date is December 2020.
The normal peer-review process will apply.
Please consult the journal's website for our submission and style guidelines:
Authors who submit papers must become members of the Canadian Association of Slavists (CAS).
* Expression of intent to submit: 15 December 2018. Send e-mail to the guest editors, Dr. Irina Paert irina at paert.com and/or Dr. James White James.White at EUI.eu
* Final Paper with abstract: 1 August 2019 (maximum 30 pages). Please submit manuscripts to our submissions management system at:

Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes, founded in 1956, is a quarterly, interdisciplinary journal of the Canadian Association of Slavists, publishing in English and French. It is devoted to problems of Central and Eastern Europe. It is a forum for scholars from a range of disciplines: language and linguistics, literature, history, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, geography, philosophy, and the arts.

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