[Asec] Call for submissions: SHERA Travel Grant for CAA 2018

Alice Isabella Sullivan aisulli at umich.edu
Tue Nov 6 23:46:11 UTC 2018

Announcement and Call for Submissions

*SHERA Graduate Student / Independent Scholar Travel Grant for
participation in CAA 2019*

Thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous donor, the Society is
pleased to announce the SHERA Graduate Student / Independent Scholar Travel
Grant to defray travel costs through the awarding of up to $1,000 for local
travel and up to $1,500 for international travel to one member presenting a
paper at the CAA Annual Conference or the ASEEES Annual Convention. The
grant is given for five consecutive years (2017-2021), alternating between
the CAA conferences and the ASEEES conventions, beginning with CAA 2017 in
New York City. The alternating order of the subsequent grants is as
follows: CAA 2017, ASEEES 2018, CAA 2019, ASEEES 2020, CAA 2021.

Applications will be evaluated based on the academic merit of the paper
topic and financial need. SHERA is especially committed to subsidizing a
graduate student or independent scholar who is attending the conference for
the first time and presenting a paper, and who has no local institutional
resources for travel support. Eligible independent scholars are those SHERA
members who have been awarded the Ph.D. within the previous five years. For
the CAA 2019 grant, applications are limited to those who have received the
Ph.D. no earlier than 2013. Applicants must be SHERA members in good
standing and must submit:

1.     the title and a brief description of their paper (no more than 250
2.     a brief CV (no more than two pages);
3.     the names of the chair(s) and the title of the panel in which the
applicant is participating;
4.     and, a brief statement demonstrating need.

For more information on membership or to become a member, see
http://shera-art.org/membership/join-shera.php Within two months after the
conference, the recipient is required to submit to the SHERA Board a brief
report outlining how participation in the conference furthered the
development of their research. If the recipient has to withdraw from the
conference for any reason, all funds must be returned to SHERA no later
than the opening day of the conference. *Applications are due December 9
for notification on December 21. All application materials should be sent
to shera.prizes at gmail.com <shera.prizes at gmail.com>.*

Society of Historians of East European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and
Eva Forgacs, President
Karen Kettering, Vice-President/President-Elect
Alice Isabella Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer
Yelena Kalinsky, Listserv Administrator
Corina L. Apostol, Web News Editor
Anna P. Sokolina, SHERA-SAH Liaison
SHERA.artarchitecture at gmail.com
shera.membership at gmail.com
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