[Asec] CfP: Eastern Orthodox Study Unit of the American Academy of Religion

Eugene Clay Eugene.Clay at asu.edu
Tue Jan 23 02:47:03 UTC 2018

Eastern Orthodox Studies Unit
Eastern Orthodox Studies Unit | PAPERS<https://papers.aarweb.org/content/eastern-orthodox-studies-unit>
Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and “Traditional Values”: A Global Alliance? The past several years have seen an intensifying discourse regarding ...

Statement of Purpose:

This Unit focuses on the critical study of the theology, culture, history, and practices of the Eastern Christian churches, including their mutual interaction and engagement with Western Christian and non-Christian groups.

Call for Papers:

The Icon
As theological witness, devotional object, political symbol, and art commodity, the icon has been revered as sacred, valued as masterpiece, and appropriated for civic and political purposes. We welcome proposals that consider any of the icon’s diverse meanings and functions from late antiquity to the present day, including but not limited to: the theology of the icon; icon and Orthodox spirituality; the iconographic vocation; aesthetics; ritual and liturgical practices; delineation of sacred space; history and memory; semiotics; political and national identities; controversial images and forms of iconoclasm; iconicity and authenticity; and the icon and the modern world of art.

Maximus the Confessor: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Times (Pre-arranged session)
Maximus the Confessor (d. 662) is widely regarded as one of the greatest of early Christian theologians, and recent decades have witnessed an enormous revival of scholarly interest in his thought. This pre-arranged panel of speakers brings together experts on Maximus to discuss the significance of his work for contemporary theological, historical and cultural conversations, especially issues related to anthropology, the cultivation of a virtuous life and Maximus's seminal role in the history of modern theology and philosophy.

Co-sponsored session with Comparative Theology Unit
Eastern Christian Approaches to Inter-Religious Dialogue and Comparative Theology: The Road Not Taken?
Contemporary developments in comparative theology and interreligious dialogue have been characterized by an almost exclusive emphasis on dialogue between Western forms of Christianity—both Roman Catholic and Protestant—with non-Christian religious traditions. Relatively fewer voices have been engaged in these disciplines from the traditions of Eastern Christianity (a broad term that includes Eastern Orthodox Christians, non-Chalcedonian Christians and Eastern Christian churches in communion with Rome). We welcome proposals from scholars of any religious tradition or none considering any aspect of interreligious conversation (Inter-Religious Dialogue and Comparative Theology) between Eastern Christian theologies/spiritualities/practices and non-Christian religious traditions.

Proposer names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members

  *   Brandon Gallaher, b.gallaher at exeter.ac.uk<mailto:b.gallaher at exeter.ac.uk>
  *   Vera Shevzov, vshevzov at smith.edu<mailto:vshevzov at smith.edu>

Steering Committee

  *   Ashley Purpura, apurpur at purdue.edu<mailto:apurpur at purdue.edu>
  *   Brian A. Butcher, bbutcher at ustpaul.ca<mailto:bbutcher at ustpaul.ca>
  *   George Demacopoulos, demacopoulos at mac.com<mailto:demacopoulos at mac.com>
  *   Jennifer Newsome Martin, jmarti16 at nd.edu<mailto:jmarti16 at nd.edu>
  *   Rico Gabriel Monge, rmonge at sandiego.edu<mailto:rmonge at sandiego.edu>
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